Prime 8.2022.11 includes the new Track Changes feature, offering a real paradigm shift in collaborative working for end users. The new functionality tracks at a granular level all of the changes made to the content of the document by any given user.
Unlike the existing “Version Tracking” functionality already available in Prime, the new Track Changes functionality does not rely on a diff between two documents to track changes made by the user, but is instead a new “mode” of working in the editor, completely decoupled from workflow or document versions.
This allows end users to see extremely granular changes made by themselves and other users in the text via a modern and intuitive interface:
Users can now see in great detail what has been changed by themselves or by other users in the document, showing deletions, additions and changes to the content even when those changes are made to the same phrase in the text next to each other.
The interface also allows users to filter for specific changes made by a user, or to show deletions inline rather than as pop-outs, creating a flexible configuration-less user experience.
The new functionality also allows the tracking of changes in non-textual content, including figures, exhibits and images for example:
Furthermore it is possible to track at a granular level what happens in complex table layouts:
In this first version of Track Changes, additions and deletions of text are tracked. In the 2023 Prime Roadmap, we will also be announcing further functionality for Track Changes, such as tracking style changes, as well as cuts, pastes and moves of text within the editor.
Version 8.2022.11
Stability and performance improvements
The latest version of Prime 8 also includes multiple performance and stability improvements.
Version 8.2022.11