Workflow orchestration platforms

Staying on the same page

Eidosmedia workflow orchestration platforms are designed for complex multi-user environments.
The planning space lets you and your team members see the whole creation process from early ideas to final delivery.


Content planning

Go beyond common workflow orchestration software.

You start the planning process by creating a ‘topic’ – an idea, perhaps with some materials attached. You can use topics ‘top-down’ to delegate story or media production or ‘bottom-up’ to propose candidate subjects to coordinators.

Once you’ve created your topic, it can be assigned as a task to one or more users. As they create their content, it becomes attached to the topic, so that other users can view their progress. Tasks and deliverables are colour-coded to show their degree of completion and approval.

Orchestration overview

In these workflow orchestration platforms you can use the topic plan to get a complete overview of the ‘state-of-play’ of a project or publication – even from remote locations, allowing you to monitor and manage the most complex editorial operations with ease.

Use your dashboard

The Planning dashboard shows you the state of play of a project or publication from any location. Tasks assigned, tasks completed, materials delivered, work in progress – you can see every dimension of the operation using any device, from PC to smartphone.

Using our workflow orchestration software from any location – at home, while traveling – you can keep up to date with any project or publication, as well as sending messages and assigning tasks.

Minichat in the story

Our workflow orchestration software includes Minichat, a chatting window embedded in the story text. You can use it to exchange comments about the story content without leaving the editing workspace. Anyone opening the story can take part in the conversation.


Version tracking

Each time you save an item, a new version is created. This lets you track the changes to individual pieces of content. You can view and restore previous versions to recover from editing errors or corruption.

Versioning creates a complete ‘audit trail’, tracking responsibility for all changes made to content within the editorial environment.

Permissions and checkpoints

Each story and media asset in your workflow has permissions associated with it – who can do what to that object. The permissions change as the items proceed through the workflow. They ensure that only authorized users can carry out permitted operations at each stage.

There are also checkpoints in the workflow that prevent the item proceeding until some action has been carried out – a legal check, for example, or the insertion of a graphic.

Together, these provisions of our workflow orchestration software ensure that everything published complies with legal and qualitative requirements.




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