While the AI Companion boosts the productivity of authors and editors, the AI Writing Assistant enhances the quality of written content, at the same time reducing the supervisory workload. It provides corrections and suggestions for grammar, punctuation, fluency & style as well as a dynamic neural spelling corrector.
AI Writing Assistant works in-line in the text, flagging errors using color-coded underline. Corrections and suggestions are accepted and inserted with a click. A side panel provides more controlled access to the same options.
When integrated with the editorial system in single-tenant SaaS deployment, AI Writing Assistant works entirely within the organization’s architecture, with no data leaving the editorial environment.
AI Writing Assistant works in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese. Other languages and variants can be trained and added to the solution.
Unlike static proofing applications, AI Writing Assistant’s tools evolve continuously, using users’ choices and editorial archives to learn the wording, spelling and terminology characteristic of the organization’s written communications.
Upcoming additions to the AI Writing Assistant toolset
The Rephrase functionality will offer the ability to change the passive voice to the active voice, as well as informal language to formal. It will also include options to split or shorten complex sentences.
Diversity, Equality & Inclusive Language
The DEI functionality will advise users of language that is potentially non-inclusive, suggesting corrections for words or phrases with contentious connotations for race, age, disability, social class etc.
Synonyms and thesaurus
The Synonyms functionality will offer semantic matching for words at the users’ request, offering advanced thesaurus capabilities to suggest different wordings.
Using machine learning, AIWA will suggest the next word or phrase that the user will type, acceptable using a simple tab action.